Thursday, 20 September 2012

First Run Preferences

When designing the application, at times, we come across a situation, that we need certain things to be handled when user is using the app for the first time. It may be a Disclaimer note we are showing up for the usage  data collection of app. It, even, can be a simple "Thank You" for downloading our app. :-)

SharedPreferences comes handy in such scenarios. SharedPreferences is key-value pair based persistent storage type. We can use this to store the value which gets updated only once. Each time application launches it will check for this value in preferences. If the value is set, then this is not the first run of the application, else it is.

Application life cycle is managed with the Application class of Android framework. We are going to use SharedPreferences to store the value of first run. We will use a boolean variable to test if it is first run in preferences. When the application is installed and used for the first time, there are no preferences available for it. This time it will be created with provided default values. As we are testing for first run, we are going to use true as default value. In such case, the flag will return true value. After getting true flag, we will update this flag with false value as first run case has been executed and we no longer need flag to be true.

Here is the code snippet for the same:

public class MyApp extends Application {

 SharedPreferences mPrefs;

 public void onCreate() {

  Context mContext = this.getApplicationContext();
                //0 = mode private. only this app can read these preferences
  mPrefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences("myAppPrefs", 0);

  // the rest of your app initialization code goes here
 public boolean getFirstRun() {
  return mPrefs.getBoolean("firstRun", true);

 public void setRunned() {
  SharedPreferences.Editor edit = mPrefs.edit();
  edit.putBoolean("firstRun", false);
This flag from preferences will be tested in launcher activity like this:

 if(((MyApp) getApplication()).getFirstRun()){
  //This is first run
  ((MyApp) getApplication()).setRunned();

  // your code for first run goes here

  // this is the case other than first run
When we publish an update to the app and the user downloads it via the Market, this will not modify the preferences, so the code works for only first run after installation. Consequent updates to the app will not bring the code into the picture, unless the user has manually uninstalled and installed the app. The preferences can also get modified, if user goes to Settings and clears data for the particular app. Once user clear application data, preferences get deleted. In such cases, above code will as if it is the first run of the application, even though it is not.
If you need a per-version mechanism you can, of course, just add a version number to the name used as a key in the shared preferences.

Similar technique can be used for distributing shareware versions of an Android app. i.e., we can limit the number of trials of the application using similar technique. In that case, we would use the integer count value in preferences for number of trials. Each trial would update the preferences. After the desired value is reached, we would block the usage of application.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Android SQLite Tutorial

Many times, we come across the situation where we want to store the data permanently so that it doesn't get lost while app quits. For example, I have a simple application for playing some animals' sounds. I will need information of all animals, their sound names and the corresponding sound files. I may not hard code all these values in code and read each time the application loads. This may seem easier if I have a smaller set of data. Just imagine, how long the file size would grow if I have to add such 100 animals to my app. Even if we have copy paste to help, I am sure you may want to try something smarter.... ;-)

Android provides various ways for persistent data storage. They are:
  • Shared Preferences: These are key-value pairs stored in the device's internal memory within the application space. These may be shared across the applications as needed with proper permissions.
  • Internal files: These are similar to various types of files which are stored into internal memory on phone within application space. These are useful for some configuration files or some secured data files. 
  • SD Card Storage: These are same as the internal files except the fact that these are actually stored on the external SD card of the device and accessible to users.
  • SQLite Databases: These are lightweight databases used for storing structural data.These are helpful when we need to store the data in forms of records and need to access it efficiently.
Let's now start with how to use SQLite database in our application. Consider above scenario. We need to store data for each animal like animal name, its sound, animal graphics resource and sound file location. We will have a table with the fields in it as animal_name, sound_name, graphics_id and sound_file. This is going to be our database schema.

But how am I going to add this to my application? Android provides us with SQLiteOpenHelper class for managing our SQLite databases. This class provides us with methods for creating and upgrading databases. Let's start with database creation first.

Let's have an DatabaseHelper class, inheriting SQLiteOpenHelper, for handling all database operations. When database needs to be created, onCreate() method is called by operating system. We will add our SQL statements for populating the database in this onCreate() method.

We are also going to add a method for fetching all animals records from database. Let's name it as getAllAnimals(). This will return a cursor for all database records.

public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

 private static final int DB_VERSION = 1;
 private static final String DB_NAME = "my_contacts.db";

 //Constants for database table names
 private static final String ANIMALS = "animals";
 //Constants for table fields
 private static final String ANIMAL_NAME = "animal_name";
 private static final String SOUND_NAME = "sound_name";
 private static final String GRAPHICS_ID = "graphics_id";
 private static final String SOUND_FILE = "sound_file";

 public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
  super(context, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSION);

 public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase database) {
  //This method will be called when database needs to be created.
  //Use this to create initial setup such as creating tables.
  String sql = "create table "+ ANIMALS + "(_id integer primary key autoincrement, " +
    ANIMAL_NAME +" text," +
    SOUND_NAME+" text," +
    GRAPHICS_ID + " integer," +
    SOUND_FILE + " text)";
  //Our code for populating animals database goes here. 

 public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
  //This method may not be used every time. 
  //It comes handy when you want to update database during app upgrades.
  * This method is for fetching all animals data from database.
  * @return
 Cursor getAllAnimals(){
  SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase();
  Cursor cursor = db.query(ANIMALS, null, null, null, null, null, null);
  return cursor;